Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Initiation

The family whose son I watch during the week call me their nanny.  I haven't ever called myself that with any other family I have worked for, but I suppose it's true.  I have a schedule 4 days a week with them.  They don't have to call me and tell me when to come over and I don't knock on the door or ring the door bell when I come in.  I just come in.  That's mostly because they aren't usually there when I get there.  I also do light house work for them and I wash their son's bedding and clothes weekly.  I know what foods he will eat and not eat.  I know how to put him to bed and know when he is ready for bed by the look on his face.  I could even tell you his evening poop schedule.  Don't worry, I'll spare you the details.

So I guess that makes me a nanny.  I'll take it.

Today Jacob, their son, decided to initiate me in to the nannying world by throwing up all over me.  And when I say all over me...I literally mean all over me.  It was on him too, and the floor, and the area rug, and the couch, my clothes, his clothes, his hair, everywhere.  One minute everything was fine.  We were discussing some very deep philosophical principles of Sponge Bob Square Pants, and the next minute I was covered in vomit.  We were covered.

His dad walked in about 60 seconds later.  He was already stripped down at that point and I was running his bath water.  He was hysterical, shaking, and drooling.  I was trying to be calm and soothing as I rushed but he just screamed.  He screamed in the bath too (which only lasted about 60 seconds total) and as I put him in his pajamas.  When we came out to the living room again his dad was cleaning up the vomit that I had left there when it all went down.  I rocked Jacob as best I could, trying not to get any of the vomit still on me, on his clean pajamas.  I gave him to his dad when he was done and I changed.  It just so happened I had brought my workout clothes with me, which I was going to change into anyways.  Thankfully not sooner.

Parents will tell you it's a smart idea to bring a change of clothes for your toddler when you are out and about.  They are the best at soiling their clothes, whether it be with bodily fluids or with mud or whatever.  They are little tiny professional at this task.  I would like to add that I discovered first hand that it is also smart to bring along a change of clothes for everyone involved.  Cause you just never know.

Thanks Jacob for the lesson.  The sounds, smells, and sights of it all have been tattooed on my memory.

Good thing you're so cute.  :)


  1. Four years into this, I don't think even I have been thrown up ON. Well, Ezra used to go projectile vomit on me regularly (like daily), but that was milk-vomit, which is really NOT THE SAME as real vomit. So...I am really sorry. Ew.

  2. aw, he is cute! but yeah, i have often asked myself why I haven't learned to bring myself a change of clothes yet. being thrown up on is so nasty. I can't believe it hasn't happened to Alisha yet. It's like, a normal thing around here. Ha ha.

  3. awww he is so cute! And sorry about getting barfed on. It is no fun. Another thing that isn't fun? Getting spit up on while you are wearing your baby, so the only place it has to go is down your shirt. Nothing like regurgitated milk in your bra. So, I thought you worked at a bank?
