Saturday, June 11, 2011

The last Two Weeks

The last two weeks have been NUTS!! Seriously. So good. And sooooo bad.

Lets recap.

I made my parents their anniversary gift, which seriously stressed me out. I took it to the party and overall I would say it turned out pretty good.

Abdoul and I broke up. Im back in the LDS world as a single person again. Which kinda makes me wanna kill myself sometimes.

On vacation, I flew to Indiana and my brother picked me up. I got to hang out with him and Erica for a couple of days. We ran around Cincinnati and went to a Reds baseball game. That was fun. The evening had super great weather.
View of Cincinnati from their back porch. Pretty great view, eh?
At the Reds game. They WON!

The party was on Saturday. I was kind of stressed out that day. But Trevor and his gf Rabita drove me around and helped me set up the decorations. Which was super nice of them.

The party started and a ton of people showed up. Way more than RSVPed. Which was okay. I think we had about 75 or
so. We had cake and punch, catered food, and alcohol. Rigel Jackson was the photographer and she did a wonderful job. (See fb album) My parents were truly surprised. They had no idea I was in town or that there was a party at all. It was great. There were people at the party from Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Illinois, Tennessee, Louisiana, and Texas. I really couldnt have asked for it to go better. I would say it was perfect!

I spent a few more days at home and hung out with some people I hadnt seen in a while. It was good. Nice to sleep in and not have to worry about work stuff or the regular day to day things.
Trevor and I at a bagel place. Trevor is a mess. haha.

I am back in Texas. I went to a concert at the horse racing track with Breanna. It was pretty fun. The Eli Young Band. They sing country music.

I also watched the NBA finals at a sports bar the other night and met someone. Yeah, thats right, I met a guy.
This is how i looked that night! :)

I am sooooooo not the type of girl that can move from one guy to the next and not even miss a beat. Not even a little bit. I have always envied those girls but that has never been my life or my story, so I was just as surprised as all of you that I met someone. I guess i was the one who initiated the flirting (from a distance. you know, a quick smile, a raised eyebrow, etc). But he was the one who approached me after a while. We chatted for about two and a half hours actually. He is super nice, and funny, and laughs at lots of things i say. Ya know, sounds pretty typical of flirting when you first meet someone. He got my number and asked when he could see me again.

He ended up coming over a few days later to hang out. He was here for a few hours. It was fun. I am not sure that we are quite a right fit for each other. Even for dating. As i get to know him more, I just dont see it. Not that there is anything wrong with him, I just think Abdoul is still too fresh in my mind. I thought i was fine. I was completely over it. I felt good. Haven't been crying since before i met this new guy. I have no regrets with Abdoul, or feel like I shouldn't have ended things. Buuuuuut, as I am getting out there, everything that happens either reminds me of Ab or reminds me of how different it is than how Ab would do it, or say it. So, I just dont think I have really moved on as much as I thought.

But I can honestly say that I have been giving it a good effort to move on. And that is a lot more than I can say for any other past relationships of mine.

Other than that, I have been working out a lot. I have been hanging out with my friend Breanna a lot. I have a few new projects that I am going to be working on. (get excited!!) A mama cat had 6 baby kittens on my back patio while I was on vacation. They are pretty cute. Annnnd I just bought a pair of jeans from Old Navy today for $0.87. Get it!!

Life is pretty good. :)


  1. life is definitely good Al. Um, did you know there was a cat on your back porch though?

  2. You dawg you. Meeting someone the next day. . . Heartbreaker!
