Tuesday, March 22, 2011


The man made me Fufu the other day. I had never heard of Fufu before I met him. But i have mentioned the name to a few other people since, and they are always like, "yeah, I've heard of it". I was unaware it was so common. I mean, i knew it was common among Africans, but why do so many Americans know about it? Where have I been? Have been hiding under a rock?


This is what i looks like right after it comes out of the pan. It feels like dough in your hands, but tastes kinda like mashed potatoes in you mouth. Its pretty delicious. He eats it several times a week. I can see why. :)
This what is looks like after he made it look pretty...like on the outside of the box.
You eat is with your hands.
Here i am eating it. He made fish that night as well. We also ate that with our hands. :) He yells at me for eating with my left hand. Apparently that is a big no no in Africa. He tells me that if I go there I can't eat with my left hand with other people around, unless I am using utensils...which they don't use very often.

He taught me how to make it. Next goal...to make it all by my self and have it taste right. :)

Race Pictures

The beginning of the race
The end...finally!

Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I went to visit my cousin in Houston last weekend. It was super fun. We went to this super nice mall where we walked thru the store Saks 5th Ave. I just so happen to grab this cardigan that was see-through and clearly meant to accent an outfit. I glanced down at the price tag. I literally almost flipped out.


Yeah, you read that right. I couldn't believe it! An accent piece? Thin and see-through. What is going on in the world? And who can afford that?

We ate at a Spanish restaurant. It was muy deliciosos. I was surprised at how much i liked it. We also ate dessert at an Arabic pastry place. The dessert we ate was called Kunafa. It was delicious as well.

I spent my time with my cousin Patrick, his wife Keena, and
her sister Najla. Houston is so big!!

I really don't know who these last people are. It was just a good picture.

March 5K

One down, eleven to go in 2011.

You know when you go out and run and its good? You go further than you thought and you aren't dying. So you are feeling ambitious. You go out the next day thinking you will run the same amount and long before you get there you are dying, not gonna make it, feel like your legs might fall off. But why? I don't know. I really don't know why you have good running days and bad running days, but it happens...to me. And other people, I guess.

That was my 5k last week. About 3/4 of a mile in, I really started to contemplate quitting. I just really struggled from start to finish. I didn't quit, and I beat my December 5k time. The theme was Mardi Gras. People were wearing masks and beads. I didn't get these beads 'til the end. And thankfully I didn't have to do anything but finish the 5k to get them...if you know what I'm saying. ;)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Valentine's Days of the Past

I hate Valentine's Day. With a passion. In the past my day would consist of me just rolling my eyes, and mumbling under my breath about stupid flowers, people in love, and chocolate. I never had a reason to like it. I know. Im just a bitter girl. I wont deny it. I don't care. Say what you want. I am comfortable with my bitterness.

V-day 2009 was especially horrible for me and reconfirmed my reasons for hating the Day of Love. (no need to expand on why it was so horrible. just trust me.) 2010 wasn't so bad. i mostly forgot about the day. maybe because it was a Sunday, and i like Sundays and didn't see oodles of people receiving presents and signs of affection. I dont know. I thought i was getting better...haha. lets be real.

This year, I told myself i would be fine. i told myself the day would be okay, and i wouldn't care. I probably made it about an hour and a half into being awake before the bitterness started to creep in. On top of that it was a monday, and mondays are never good days. They really are manic. Work is always nuts on mondays and people, like me, were especially in a bad mood on the phone. the last thing i wanted to deal with, right?

(Keep reading, things turn around, promise...)

I took my lunch break around 3pm that day and went tanning so i could get in a quick nap in the bed and relax a little. haha. As i was walking back to my car this guy started talking to me in the parking lot. He was attractive, and seemed to be hitting on me. hmmm.... i didn't pay too much attention though and kept walking. But he just kept talking to me. So i stopped, turned around and walked back to him to see what he could possibly want with me. I had no make-up on. I was a little sweaty from tanning, and probably had an angry look on my face. haha. after talking to him for a few minutes he asked me for my phone number. now, for those of you who know me, this is not the first time a guy has asked me for my number in a completely random public place. Sometimes i say okay. other times, i just tell them no. i'm not afraid to. I don't care. i will never see them again. why should i care if i bruise their egos a little, right? but i felt okay about him. like i said, he was attractive. and had an accent. yeah, love me some accents. so i give him my number. He called me that night after work and asked me out for the following Saturday.

To make a long story short, the last two and a half weeks have been kinda crazy. i have talked to him almost everyday either on the phone, or we have hung out. we have been on a couple dates. he is a complete gentleman and treats me really well. my roommate loves him, and just shook her head when she saw him the first time. She told me the other day i have finally met someone who is up to my caliber. haha. not sure that is true, but I'll take the compliment.

Tonight on the phone he called himself my boyfriend. so i guess i have a boyfriend. :) I mentioned something the other day about how he hit on me for the first time on V-day. He didnt even realize it was Valentine's Day at the time. Pffff...guys...right? its a pretty cute little story, though, and now i finally have a reason to not hate Valentine's Day. Yeaaaaaahh!

His name is Abdoul. He is not from the US (hence the accent previously mentioned). He is originally from Burkina Faso. For those of you who are asking yourself if that is a real place...it is. It is a country in west Africa. No worries, i didn't know either. He is an American citizen as of 7 days ago, as well. He has lived all over the world, mostly Europe (other than Africa), and speaks 7 languages. He is crazy! and i love it!

Way to go Valentine's Day 2011. You rocked my face off this year!