Thursday, September 27, 2012

And then it got real

My home teacher came over yesterday. We had a good chat. He is cool. When he was leaving he asked  me what my plans were for the rest of the evening. I told him I would probably write. He asked what I was writing and I said a book. A novel. Fiction. He smiled and said, "Really? My dad is a published writer. And my sister works for a publisher." What?! Is he serious? I then told him he was my new best friend.  He said "you finish your book and I'll put you in touch with my sister." WHAT?!? I was never going to publish this book. It was just for fun. No one has ever said I was good at writing. This is just going to be embarrassing. Oh so embarrassing when his sister tells him it sucks. Bahhhhhhhh! It just got real people.

Monday, September 24, 2012


#56 Bake a cake with fondant.  Done.  Check.  It happened.  

And it was exhausting.  I am glad I did it, but I don't think I will ever do it again.  It probably took me like 8 hours to make this cake, not including the time it took the fondant to set, which was an additional 8 hours.  And coloring fondant is no joke.  Like, really, no joke!  It is like putty only much more stiff.  I really had to put my back into it.  I was sweating people.  Sweating!! For reals!  LOL! But it was fun, nonetheless.  
2 lbs of powdered sugar.  Its no joke!

 After I made the first batch.  I made 2.  What was I thinking??

 The first tier is cover.  NICE!

After I cover the bottom tier, made a stripe to go around the upper tier, and did some dots around the edge. (The dots were my last step and I was so so tired, I didn't care what it looked like.  I just wanted to be DONE!)

Ta Da! 

Chocolate pudding cake! Amazing!  

I suppose I did alright for my one and only time I will make a fondant cake.

...Although I have a bunch of fondant left over and apparently it keeps (if properly sealed) for up to 6 months.  So you never know...

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


My mom came to visit last month (no worries, i will get to that post) and she brought me some goodies from Indiana.
 That's right! PurdueOPOLY! And if you cant read the fine print, this one was made in 1986.  Awesome! She said she bought it at a garage sale for like a buck.  Way to go mom!!

 These are the playing pieces. Ya know, instead of the dog and the hat and the shoe, etc.
And these are the houses and hotels.  I think the red are houses and white are the hotels, but I haven't actually looked.

I also haven't played.  Who wants in?

Sunday, September 16, 2012

My bucket list

Check out the other tab on my blog right under the picture :)

Be jealous.  Its happening.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

I remember

I remember a day in november of 2000.  I was on a trip in New York City.  I was there with some members of my parents church on a retreat.  It was my first time ever in NYC.

I was cautious.  I had never been anywhere so big, or noisy, or anywhere so likely to be mugged (or so I thought in my head).  I held my purse extra close and tried not to get separated from my group.  We visited different places, and rode in taxicabs.  It was exciting.

I distinctly remember on the morning of November 3, 2000.  We were scheduled to go up into to the World Trade Center and see NYC from the top.  These towers were the tallest, after all.  I remember standing at the bottom and looking up, trying to see just how far up we were going, and feeling dizzy because they were so incredibly tall.  We went inside and got our tickets.  $9.00 is what it cost to go up to the observatory deck.  We rode the elevator up to the top and got out.  We were able to actually stand on the roof. Outside.  I believe we were standing on the one without the needle.  I could see the other tower just next to us. And all of NYC.  It was breathtaking.  Amazing.  Nothing like it.  It felt like you could see the whole world from up there.

After a while we went back down to leave.  I remember walking along the side of the building and letting my hand drag along the rough stone of the side of the building.  I remember thinking that the vertical ridges that went all the way up the sides of both towers made them look taller.  As if they really needed to look taller than they already were.  It was the first and only time I ever touched those buildings.  I had no idea that in 10 short months the place where i was standing would be labeled "ground zero" and that so many lives would be lost there.  I had no idea that the building I was touching would change this country forever and effect so many lives all over the world.

I can remember exactly where I was on that day in September of 2001.  I remember what I was doing. In fact I could give you an hour by hour breakdown of the whole day from memory.  I sure most people in my generation also remember the day vividly.  It seems like the last few generations have a moment like this.  Im sure if you asked the baby boomers they could tell you where they were when Kennedy was shot.  And their parents could tell you where they were when they heard the news that Pearl Harbor had been attacked.  It seems to be the plague of every generation.  It is sad.  And so unfortunate that it takes so much loss for us to remember how to unite.  But we do.  Every time.  And like any trial, personal, community-wide, national, or international, it gives us as people a reminder of what to be grateful for.

Sometimes I wonder about the "what ifs".  What if we had taken our retreat 10 months later? What if I had been standing on top of that building and saw a plane in the distance coming our way? What if I had been on top and watched as that plane slammed its way through the middle of that building? What would I have thought? How would I have acted? Would I have lived through that day? Or what if I had been nearby and watched first hand as people jumped out of the windows to certain death because there was no other way down?  Its hard to imagine.  And Im glad that I was not actually there.  But having been at that building and seen and touched it makes this day a little more real for me.  It makes it something that not just happened to someone else, but as Americans, it happened to US.

Although both of those days are sad memories for me, I can be grateful for them too.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

A photo, as requested

A few of you requested a photo of the whole piece of art work. So here it is.

New new new!

My movers took all of my belongs to my new apartment.  On the 3rd floor.  I felt bad for them.  Like I said, it was 108 degrees that day.  But, they had all the necessary equipment.  It only took maybe 45 minutes to get it all in.  Except for the sofa.

I bought a new sofa when i moved because my old one was destroyed.  But you have to angle this sofa in through the door because of the way the apartment is set up.  and my sofa is long.  And my apartment is right next to the stairs.  It was a mess to say the least.  So after trying for 20 minutes. They put it down and moved everything else in. I was really stressed it wasn't going to fit at all.

There is sat outside my door, stressing me out. haha
 Finally they after 20 additional minutes of moving it in every different direction possible, maneuvering around the stairs just outside my door and a pole that was in the way...they got it in. *sigh*

Gotta love moving.

I moved...again

I have a love hate relationship with moving.  Its about 90% hate, but there is still that 10% of love in there.  Either way.  I moved again in July. No roommate this time.  And I am so very very hopeful that this will  be my last move for a long time.  I am hoping for at least 2 years, which doesn't sound like a lot, but since i have moved very 12 months (or shorter) in the last 10 years, i am really hoping for 24 months.  Really the only suitable reasons i should ever move again are
a) I get some spectacular job that pays me double...yeah DOUBLE, that i love, or
b) I am getting married.  

That is it.  Those are the only good reasons I will move for.  End of story.

I hired movers for my move.  And can i just say that movers are the best and most amazing thing on this planet?! Like really.  They had everything cleared out of my old apartment in under 30 minutes.  And it was 108 degrees that day.  I loved them.  And all i had to do was watch.  Awesome!

This is what it looked like when i was packing.

This was 20 minutes after the movers arrived. Phenomenal! 

Next time you move. Get movers.  They will make you LIFE!!

Also.  As I was cleaning afterwards, i noticed this.
This are the air vents in our apartment.  And that is MOLD! So gross.  I had notice there was starting to get a build up, but i thought it was dust, and i didnt notice til it was almost time to move out.  No wonder i was getting sick like once a month there for a while.  Ewwwwh.  I hated that apartment, with my whole soul!

So grateful for a nice new apartment! yay!

Monday, September 3, 2012

In case of a fire

When i was a kid my parents set in place a plan if there were to ever be a fire in our house.  It was a simple plan. I was young, therefore simplicity was key.

1. Get out of the house.
2. Go to our pre-arranged place to meet. (a certain neighbors house)

My parents went over this plan every now and then just to remind me.  It was a good idea.  I highly recommend to all parents who haven't previously set this plan in motion.  However I have been scared of house fires ever since.  I cant specifically say that this plan was the cause of it.  I am not sure why I am afraid of house fires, but alas, I am.  The thing that would keep me awake at night as a kid was not if i would make it out alive, or what if other members of my family couldn't get out, or what would i save if i could grab something on my way out. Although my mind wandered to those things on occasion.  What i worried about was what i was wearing.

Yeah, you heard me.  I was nervous about what i was wearing if there were a fire and i had to run out quickly.

Images danced across my mind of me standing across the street late at night, watching as my house went up in flames, neighbors coming outside to see it, fire truck lights illuminating my whole street, and me standing there in the most ridiculous pajamas, or lack there of.

It is something I have thought of often in my life.  Mostly because I don't really think pajamas are very flattering on me.  And I tend to get hot at night so the less layers I can put on at night the better I sleep.  What i am really trying to say is i don't usually sleep in much of the way of clothing.  Not that I sleep naked or anything.  You get what I am saying.  (and if you don't, then never mind lol)

But even to this days as i am trying to fall asleep, sometimes my mind wanders to what i am wearing under my covers and if there were a fire how much time i would have to put on more clothes.  Where said clothes are located and so forth.  As you can imagine this keeps me awake longer.  It makes me wonder if i have turned off the oven, if i have left anything in the bathroom plugged in that shouldn't be and so on and so forth.  It isnt usually plaguing enough to me to actually get out of bed, but sometimes i think..."maybe that is the Spirit quietly telling me to get up and check, or get up and put something different on." Sometimes i get up.  Usually i dont.  Because i dont really think it is the Spirit telling me that, it is just an irrational fear of mine.

Gotta love those fun, irrational fears that keep you up at night.  Sadly, i have many. :/