Wednesday, November 25, 2009


A few things i have been meaning to blog about...
1. I did end up cutting my hair. I talked about doing it on my facebook and got a large response from it. I cut it like a week and a half ago and just haven't got around to blogging about it yet. i do have a picture and I will post it soon. Promise.
2. I will be back in IN in a week. I am so excited! My mom and I are going to go Christmas shopping in Indy. Should be fun.
3. I might be running in a 5k when I am home (in Indy). It is still up in the air. I love that I have been training inside or in 65 degree weather and it is expected to be about 35 degrees in IN next weekend. I might die.
4. I loved loved loved New Moon. I saw it twice last weekend. One of those times was the opening showing at 12:01 am on 11/20. I am a dork. I know.
5. I am probably going to be playing some football tomorrow for Thanksgiving. I happen to mention this to my manager today and he raised one eyebrow and asked if I knew how to play. Of course my response was "So just b/c I am a girl, I don't know how to play football?" He fumbled thru some words about that is not what he meant, that he was just surprised. lol it was fun to make him squirm.
6. I started reading the book "the host" a couple of weeks ago. i had been taking it to work and reading it on my lunch breaks. Everyone kept asking me what i was reading. Once i told them it was about aliens (in a nutshell) they all looked at me like i was weird. it was really fun to read it again. I didnt really cry in the book. I almost did a few times. I feel a little heartless since other people (who shall remain nameless) cry so much in this book and everytime they read it. Normally i feel like i cry more than anyone else, so i feel weird that i didnt. oh well.

Friday, November 20, 2009


I have been meaning to write this post for a couple of days now. Some 10 years ago Amy and I drank this soda called Frosh. It is an off brand and is trying to copy something like the soda Squirt. Not quite Sprite, but still a lemon lime flavor. It was pretty gross, although I think we drank it the whole night. But my life was never the same after. The frosh probably had little to do with that, but i still associate the two together. :)

Eight years ago (tuesday, Nov 17) I was baptized and made a member of my church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. It has been a crazy whirlwind ever since, but 8 years!!! wow! I am so blessed and so thankful! Happy Birthday to me!!!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Out Sick

I am out of work today...Sick! Mostly i just have a cold and have almost lost my voice. Since all i do at work is talk on the phone, it doesnt work out so well to go to work. i feel pretty good though. So i thought today i would take some time to get some things done that i dont usually get time for during the week.

I won a $150 gift card to Walmart at work the other day. I feel a shopping spree coming on. What to buy though.....Should i be responsible and buy much needed groceries and gas, or splurge and buy something fun? (that i shouldnt really have to feel guilty about since it is free money) a digital camera to replace my 4 1/2 year old one? Or buy some DVDs that i have been wanting for a long time? Or more work clothes to replace the ones with holes in them?

I am also teaching the RS lesson at church on Sunday. So today i need to dig through endless unopened boxes to try and find my JS manual to work on the lesson. I should also clean my room and call the credit card company.

Speaking of the credit card company. I have a credit card through Citi and they sent me a letter saying that as of Nov. 30, 2009 my interest rate is going from 13.99% to 29.99%!!!! not because i paid late, or didnt pay, just because they can. I can opt out but they will have to close my card. I am totally fine with that! i need to call and see if this letter is legit! it doesnt seem like they can really do that, but i dont know that for a fact. I might have this credit card paid off by then anyways, but i am not going to take my chances. You can bet if that is where all their credit cards are headed, they are going to lose not only my business, but a lot of business all over. So dumb.

I might go to the gym today too. Today is my day to use the leg weight machines. I have been using weights at the gym lately. I am always sore the next day, so i feel like that is good, right? I do cardio too, but i have been trying to focus on building muscle. It burns fat, or so i hear. I do arms one day, legs the next, abs the third day, and all cardio the last. 4 days a week. not bad. I do a little cardio on the days i lift weights too, but not too much.

Those are my plans for the day. Fascinating!! (i'm sure)

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


After reading Amy and Mimi's blog entries about are mine.

1. Horses- They are so big and strong and they scare me. They can buck you off, step on you and you are done. I rode a pony once when i was a kid. It scared me too.

2. Snakes and slugs- Mostly i just think slugs are the most disgusting things alive, but they scare me a little too. Snakes on the other hand scare me enough that just seeing one on TV makes my stomach tie up in knots. The people i live with just so happen to tell me the other day that they have a lot of garden snakes in their front yard. Now every time i walk to or from my car i jump at twigs. It's not good.

3. Heights- I would love to skydive and bungee jump just to say that i did it, but i am pretty sure i would never make it out of the plane or off the ledge. Did you know there are people who skydive without parachutes!?!?! On purpose! They don't die. And they are so causal about it. Look it up on i promise. it is crazy!

4. Scary movies- I cannot handle them. I have dreams about them later and then refuse to get out of bed at night to go to the bathroom. I am convinced that there is some murderer out there waiting for me to flip on the light in the bathroom and kill me. There is definitely something to be said for feeling comfort under your bed sheets. (I am totally serious.)

I have other fears but they are more realistic. These, i guess, are my irrational fears.