Wednesday, March 31, 2010

New Mexico, Part II: Gangsta's

Several weeks ago I posted about putting up videos of myself and my life. I also mentioned Breanna and how she spices up my life. When we were in New Mexico i put on this hat in our cabin and decided i looked pretty gangsta' in it. Breanna also looked pretty crazy with her long johns over her shorts. i decided that we needed to make a video. We decked ourselves out as "gangsta's" and made the following video without rehearsal. Yep. we are ridiculous.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Mexico, Part I: Al vs. The Mountain

Winner: The mountain.

So I went skiing for the first time ever last week. We went over to New Mexico to a little ski resort call Sipipu (pronounced "Sip-A-Poo" yep, that's right) in Carson National Forest. It was beautiful. I love mountains. Love, love, love them. I took a lesson my first day and was doing pretty good. The slope we were on could barely be called a slope, but i was learning how to slow down by moving left to right, etc. So i went up a little later onto the smallest of all the hills. A green trail, the bunny slope. I went up with Debby and Tom (people i live with). I fell twice and then on my third try (about halfway down at this point) i fell again and twisted my ankle and knee pretty bad. I tried to walk down the mountain a few minutes later, but after some talking into they conveinced me to sit while first aid came and looked at me. So...up comes the first aid guy. He decided i might hurt myself worse if i fell while walking down the mountain so he went to go get the stretcher. oh no... By the way, i just so happen to be sitting close to the chair lift and everyone that passed was like "oh no, are you okay?" or "do you need some help?" which was nice, but embarrassing. So Michael (i think his name was) came back with the stretcher on skies. He strapped me in and down we went. Then he got me crutches and i hobbled my way over to his little first aid hut. He decided it was probably just a strain on both my knee and ankle. I couldnt ski the rest of the trip, but i watched other people ski, i slept, and read a book. I still had fun. I think i will try skiing again. but not anytime soon. :)

Hey i was up there for a second.
Rockin the PU!
This was my second fall. The third one is the one that did me in...

Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Video

Remember in a previous blog when I said that my life is boring and it would be silly to put my boring life on video and expect other people to watch it...well here you go. The first video documenting my life in Texas. My room!!!! How exciting...I know. I really don't like this video. I think I am acting really weird...but i got nothing better. so have at it.

p.s. Don't judge too harshly on the messy state of my room. Everything I own is in that room. One whole apartment's worth, all boxed up.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A Night at the playground

My friends Lori, Charlie, Dewey, and I all decided it would be fun to play on the playground late at night. These are our adventures...

As you can see we enjoyed the slide the most, I think. :)


Now that i have a cd player in my car, i dont listen to the radio too much. therefore i listen to the same songs over and over again from cds i have. Here are my favorites.

Near to you-Fine Frenzy
Almost Lover-Fine Frenzy
A little to not over you-David Archuleta
Lost in this moment-Big and Rich
Look after you-The Fray
White Horse-Taylor Swift
Superstar-Taylor Swift
Need you now-Lady Antebellem
Breathe-Taylor Swift
Fearless-Taylor Swift
Jump then Fall-Taylor Swift

p.s. i am a little obsessed with the Taylor Swift cd "Fearless" if you couldnt tell. i listen to it non-stop. You should check out these songs. I love them. Fav on the list: 'Rehab' when i feel like rockin' and 'Breathe' when i dont feel like rockin'. Enjoy.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Alex and Lori

Alex and Lori are two of my favorite people in Texas. I love them. They rock my world!!!


Look at those faces

Yeah, we are cute.

Me and Hershey. He is a real dog. Just in case you were wondering if he was a stuffed animal. He is that stinkin' cute!

I don't know...

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


Decisions, decisions. I don't know what to do. I am torn. Divided. I have been thinking more about moving. I love where i live, and i love my ward, but i just feel like i waste so much time driving. and i don't like putting so many miles on my new car. it makes me sad. i could save about $100 a month on gas, and less oil changes, and have more of a life. but then i wonder if i would actually use the time wisely. i tend to think i wouldn't. i would probably just get more sleep. which is not all bad. and i would definitely spend more money, with apt costs, and utilities. i would have to buy a bed, and pay for Internet. My deciding factor so far has been my ward though. I was thinking how i could just stay in my ward and drive there once a week, which is less than driving 5-6 days week to work, but then i wouldn't live near anyone. and i would be less likely to hang out with them on weekends, etc. so i just don't know what to do.

Then today i had the option to change to a new team at work for a schedule that would allow me to go to FHE and make it on time to the temple once a month with my ward. but i would have to give up being on a team that i really like, for a team i don't know. i really like my manager who i learn a lot from and never gets frustrated with me when i ask a million questions. and i love all my team members. i spend way more time with these people than anyone else. and i had to choose today. so i based my decision on what i value more. In reality, i probably wont hang out with my team members outside of work. and i do spend a lot of time with them, but i can go to lunch with them, or go over and bother them throughout the day if i am bored...and i am sure the people on my new team are nice and i will get to know them, and like them. so i chose FHE and the Temple. I think it was a good choice, but i am still a little sad.

I have one more decision to make. Today i was presented with an option in May or June to switch to a west coast team. meaning i would work 10-7pm three days a week and 2-11pm 2 days a week. and every other Saturday. i did a similar schedule before, and while i got a ton of sleep, i had no life. none. seriously. i felt really lonely. there would be several days a week that i wouldn't see a single person i knew, outside of work. no one would be awake when i was home. but........the shift comes with a 10% raise!!! 10%!!!! i mean, that would be really nice. and i am not married and don't have kids, so it is not like i would be missing out on spending time with them, but still. i don't know what to do. both have pros and cons.

boo...for decisions.

Church Friends

A glimpse into my new life in Texas. These are some of my church friends.

Lori and me.

Charlie and me.
Dewy and me.
Me at the mall. Am i a cop or Chinese?
Lol. Yeah....


One wall of my cube at work. Boiler up! Dont be offended if you dont see you up there. If you notice all the pictures have me in them. and i chose ones that i look good in. i guess, i love me. so i guess to get you up on my wall i need a pic of the us where i think i look good. send me one if you can find it, and i will definitely put it up. lol. i'm not really sure what to think of myslef right now. :)
This is me when my friend Alex did a cute braid in my hair like she had. it looked really cute on her. not sure what i think of it on me, but oh well. And i am tan here. yeahhhh!
Me, in the cutest car ever. leaving work.
Just after working out.
Just before working out.


Blake is my personal trainer. Today was workout #2 with her. Several times she asked me if i was having fun yet, just at the moment when i am sure i looked like i was going to crash and burn. I would just smile at her and say "oh yeah. tons of fun." She is a really nice girl, and she knows a lot of stuff. She kicks my butt every week, so i am glad she is my trainer. Today i didnt have the urge to much. i could still feel it coming on, but i wasnt in quite so much physical pain. which i am not sure if that is good or bad. i mean, dont get me wrong, i was definitely in pain, just not as much. :) Next week we are going to be working on my "core." Abs...uuuugggggh. Has anyone ever noticed how when you work out you have to move your body in all sorts of awkward positions? yeah, i dont like it. especially not at the gym where all the tredmills are upstairs overlooking the first level where i work out. *sigh* oh well. hopefully i dont know anyone else who works out there. :)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


All the Maine videos that I have are on YouTube now. I didn't post a few of them with Brad (when Amy and I went back the next summer for a visit) because I thought Brad may be embarrassed. We were trying to teach him how to walk like a girl. the really funny part about it is, is that Amy at one point said, "jut wait, someday you are gonna end up on the internet, and girls all over the world are gonna call you." Then Brad gave out his number on the video. I haven't talked to Brad in a really long time and I don't know if he still has the same number, but i don't feel good about putting them up without his permission. lol

If you search under my username: Almarox84 most of the videos come up. I uploaded 48, and only like 32 show up under my username. I can't figure out how to get them all to come up under one search. Anyone know a lot about YouTube and can help me out?


Old Videos

These are just a preview of what's to come. Seriously i was laughing so hard in my room last night watching these videos. I haven't watched them in a year or two. Soooooo funny. As i was watching them, i realized how many videos we ended up taking. There are like 30. Amy had mentioned to me getting a Youtube account and putting them up there so everyone can watch them anytime they want, which i may do given there are so many. but then these videos are out there for the world to see....not sure how i feel about that. anyway, here is a preview.


A video we made for Amy when she was sick.

Al huggin' trees.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some kinda' mood

Yeah, i am in some kinda' mood today. I just wanna say that Nicholas Sparks is an evil, evil man. His books always do this to me. i am not sure why i read them. i enjoy them, don't get me wrong, but by the end i am just so sad. he can't seem to write a happy book. what is that about? i know this about him too. yet i still torture myself. this one i actually listened to on cd while driving to and from work this week. (yeah, i can finish a whole book in the time i drive to and from work, in only a week. sad, but true.) this morning i finished it. Then, since i was in this weird "love is more like torture than happiness" mood, i started listening to a couple of cds i have in my car that are sad as well. even the few happy songs made me sad. i hate when i am in this kind of mood. it makes me lose all my resolve on the hard decisions that i make, that i know are right, but still hard.

Then i came into work where i found paperwork that i had worked really hard on yesterday, back on my desk with a list of things i had done wrong, and an email in my inbox to go with it on what else i need to improve on. I am not gonna lie, tears started to well up in my eyes. Someone sitting across from me at that point asked me if i was okay. i hadn't realized anyone was around. immediately i forced back the tears, and cleared my throat before saying i was fine. Normally i wouldn't cry over silly stuff like paperwork. i mean, i will fix it, and it will be fine, but it was just too much right then. Hopefully the day gets better.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Givin' Credit

Videos to come, I promise, but for now....

As some of you may or may not know, I signed up for a personal trainer at the gym. Depending on my schedule, depends on who i work out with (more like who watches me work out and tells me what to do). The first time i worked out with a guy trainer who worked me hard and i was sweating before the end. Good. But he didn't have any time slots open in the next week that my schedule would fit in, so i signed up with a girl trainer who did have time. i have to admit, i was a little nervous about working out with her. i guess because she is a girl, i figured she would go easy on me and i wouldn't get a good workout from it. which would be nice, i have to admit, but not what i am paying for.

So today was the day. And seriously, she kicked my butt the whole time. At one point or another i really thought i was going to cry, she was pushing me so hard. like tears were welling up in my eyes. but i guess that is what i paid for, and when i told her i didn't think i could do what she was asking me to do, she would just say, "yes you can, i promise. you may not be good at it, or be able to go as fast or as far as you think you should, but i promise we will get there. and you can do it." and then i did. i have to give her credit for that. i totally judged her wrong. i definitely got my money's worth today, and i have the sore muscles (already) to prove it.

Monday, March 1, 2010


I decided the other day that my blog is soooooo boring. then i decided my blog is so boring because it is an accurate reflection of my life. That realization made me sad, and annoyed with myself. i wanted to sit around a be depressed about my boring life, but then i decided that i have done that in the past, and it has never ever made my life more i need to spice up my life and my blog. and that is precisely what i am going to do.

I have a friend who has a "vlog." apparently that means it is a video blog. i hadn't ever heard of this term until about 3 days ago. but i like the idea. maybe not enough to actually do one, but enough to put some videos of my life on my current blog. in thinking about this i decided i could really make my blog ten times more boring by putting vidoes of my boring life on camera and suggesting others watch it, but i will take a shot. maybe i will come up with some fun ideas. after all, i live with a 16 year old who is not tainted by life's boring-ness yet. she is creative and spices up my life on a regular basis. you may just get to meet Breanna in my upcoming entries. :)