Monday, August 29, 2011

Remember that time...

...when I used to blog? Yeah. Me too. Its been almost two months now. I kind of forgot about blogging with all the craziness that has been going on in my life. Which I guess is okay because none of the things going on in my life, that have made it crazy, are things i really wanna blog about.

So...I here is what I will tell you about.

I did P90X today for the first time! Chest and Back. And I totally rocked it. I mean I was totally sweating and working hard. I think over the hour workout I did 200 pushups, 30 pull ups (with help) and lots of other various arm stuff. ANNNNNNDDDD...that was my second workout for today. I worked out with my PT this morning. We did squats and other leg machines. You know that point when you are working out that your legs (arms, or whatever you are working) feel like jello? well, I passed that point this morning. At one point I told him that I couldn't feel them anymore. I looked down to make sure they were still there. and they were. but i couldn't feel them at all. He just smiled. I think he gets enjoyment out of my suffering. lol

but seriously!

And on another note, I am writing more of my story. I wrote a pretty amazing first kiss scene. haha Get excited!!

1 comment:

  1. seriously, thanks for coming back to the blogging world.

    also, when do I get to read your updated story?!

    also, way to go Al on the jello limbs!! keep up the good work.
