Thursday, December 13, 2012


I bought a Groupon some months ago for a painting class that I thought looked fun.  Then I sorta forgot about it.  And then I put it off because of all the craziness in November.  But I knew the expiration was for the Groupon was coming up soon, so I signed up for the class and went tonight.  I went by myself but I actually had a really really good time.  It is a class where they give you all of the supplies (paint, brushes, canvas) and take you step by step through a whole painting and you get to walk out with your artwork at the end of the night.  You are basically just copying a painting that someone else has painted and donated, so you know when you sign up what you will be painting.

Our painting was called "Whimsical Tree of Life." Which looks like this:
It sort of looks tribal, or...something.  (Oh, and that tall black thing on the right branch, a bird, not a person, which we all thought for a second.  ha!)

Here is mine:

Blank canvas
 My tree

 This next step was really hard for me.  I really just wanted to develop my tree and leave it as a tree with none of the other stuff.  I am sort of a minimalist that way, but i plugged on, reluctantly.


Not exactly the same as the original, but close and it is uniquely mine, I suppose.  I really had such a good time and it felt so good to start the evening with a blank canvas, feeling totally insecure that I wouldn't be able to make it look good, to a nice finished product.  Awesome!

Also, I won a drawing and got to pick out a painting from the wall of finished paintings.  This is the one i picked (to hang in my bathroom):
I like its straight lines, and sharp contrast of shading, and its minimal-ness.  


  1. That sounds like such a fun class!! And your painting is amazing. I can't imagine creating something like that. How cool.

  2. Can I be like you when I grow up?

    1. Please, Hannah. You are already way cooler than me. :)

  3. That is so so cool, Al!!! So when I finally paint something for my wall, and it is just two birds on a wire, you'll like it because it will be WAY minimalist? Ha ha! ALSO, you're going to be the one painting it for me, so it actually looks good, right? RIGHT? :) Just kidding. I mean, I might try to do it myself. If I could figure out what paints to buy. And brushes. So, maybe I'll just wait for you to come back. COME BACK AL!

    1. I vacation days do start over here in 2 weeks. And I do love visiting you. Hmm...

      I really could just paint them for you and send 'em on over. Except didn't you say you wanted to do it together? We are talking about the bird ones for the bathroom, right? As for the ones I'm your living room...we could work something out I think :)

    2. I'm talking about all of it, the whole mess. Although, I mean, I do kind of what to be involved, just to see what I could do if I tried. I've never tried to paint something before. But I also don't want it to be ugly. So, you know.
