Monday, November 18, 2013

My Thought Process

You know how sometimes you start out thinking about something and then 5 seconds later you realize you are thinking about something completely off topic.  Like, you went from A to Z in 5 seconds and you have no idea how you even got to thinking about whatever thing is rolling around in your head now.

Sometimes, when I am bored I like to go back and try to figure out my thought process and how I got from here to there.

Today was one of those times.

To preface the story: Today I decided to do my hair curly (or wavy as it typically ends up).  When I looked in the mirror I was trying to figure out what kind of curls my hair had...and if I liked them.

Here was my process:

1) My hair is curly today
2) They look pretty good (I'm looking in the mirror)
3) What kind of curls are these?
4)They aren't tight curls.
5) I wouldn't even call this curly hair actually.
6) It's kind of like when girls have wavy hair in the summer.
7) What do they call that look?
8) Beach curls?
9) Beach waves?
10) Beach hair?
11) Hmmm...beach hair.  Is that the name?
12)Why does that phrase sound familiar?
13) Maybe just from the type of hair.
14) No.  That's not it.
15) What is that phrase??

And then it hit me!

(Check out these videos)
And more Beach Hair!

And then I busted out laughing.  All of those thoughts happened in probably 5 seconds and then I laughed at myself in the mirror at work for a good minute or two.


  1. BEACH hair. I love it! So, I mean, do you like the curls?

  2. Awesome. Those were funny and sad. Why do friends have to live so far apart?? And you and Amy are awesome.
