Friday, July 18, 2014


Today I deactivated my Facebook account.  For every person I have told, I have been met with responses that very anywhere from shock to frustration.

Why is this?

Why does deactivating my Facebook mean the end of the world?  As if there are not 5 other ways to contact me.  Either way I did it for my own reasons and I refuse to be guilted into reactivating it.  That is not to say that I won't do it sometime on my own.  In a week, a month, a year...I don't know.  For me, it was simple.  I wanted to see just how much time I would gain in my day by simply cutting this one thing out of my life.  I also deleted Candy Crush from my phone, Pinterest from my phone (only) and a few other useless/time wasting apps.

Time seems to be a precious commodity for me lately and I am simply not willing to give it up so easily over something like Facebook.  I did find myself rummaging through iPhoto on my computer when I got home from work.  After about 20 mins I realized I was wasting just as much time doing that as being on FB so I moved over here to write a post (which was the reason for opening my photos in the first place).

Side note: I do not find blogging a wast of time.  It is good for me and a good use of my time. :))

I think it will take me some time to figure out how to use my time more wisely and not just replacing the time I would have been on FB with something else just as useless, but you have to start somewhere, right?

On a separate but related note I was talking with a friend outside of the gym last night and he told me that he could see a difference in me.  He said something like, "and not just physically, but in your countenance too.  You seem brighter.  Happier."  I thanked him for the compliment.  I have to admit that I feel much that way.  It certainly helps that I am losing weight and feeling better physically, reaching goals, and making plans for future goals, but aside from that I am at the present time maybe the happiest I have ever been in my life.  It is a wonderful feeling!  I could attribute it to a lot of different sources, but really I think I am finally getting my priorities in order.  It has made all of the difference.

A couple of months ago a different friend said something to me that completely changed my outlook on my life. He is about my age and not married either.  We were talking about how we both wished we were married already but that it didn't seem to be something that would happen for either of us anytime soon.  And then he referenced a scripture (I wish I remembered which one) and said that "it would be okay, because this time in his life was meant for something else."  It was meant for doing things that would bring him closer to Heavenly Father and building His kingdom.  That got me thinking about how we all go through seasons in life.

My season of singlehood is longer than I ever had anticipated, but it has given me a unique opportunity to serve HF in a way that many of my friends cannot.  I have the opportunity to go to the temple once a week.  I take my own family names every time and when I run out of names I immerse myself back into my family tree to find more names.  I serve in 3 different callings, all three of which I love and am a little sad that I will be getting released from one of them in the next month or so.

But really, this conversation changed me.  It made me realize I have so much free time without the responsibility of a spouse or children, without family nearby, without little people to cook for, or babies to dress or bathe or messes to clean up (from said children).  I have been given a gift that not everyone gets.  It is not a gift I wanted (and some days still don't want), but nevertheless I can see (a little bit) of the person that HF is building me to be, and as it turns out I LOVE HER.  She is a rockstar!

So I have to make the most of this time, because it will not last forever.  Some day I will get married and have babies and I am sure I will love my life then too, but I have come to a point where I am no longer a victim of this thing called "single."  I am not just wading through the singleness and trying to "make the most of it" or "just survive it" until the time comes when I do get married.  Life, in any stage, was never meant to be lived that way.  I am starting to live it, and love it too!

Probably my favorite talk (ever) was given by Jeffrey R Holland in the October 2012 General Conference.  The talk was call "The First Great Commandment."  I have read it or listened to it at least 20 times if not more in the last 2 years.  

He says many wonderful, thought provoking things, but this part plunges deep into my heart every time and makes me want to be something more than I currently am.

 “If ye love me, keep my commandments,” Jesus said. So we have neighbors to bless, children to protect, the poor to lift up, and the truth to defend. We have wrongs to make right, truths to share, and good to do. In short, we have a life of devoted discipleship to give in demonstrating our love of the Lord. We can’t quit and we can’t go back. After an encounter with the living Son of the living God, nothing is ever again to be as it was before. The Crucifixion, Atonement, and Resurrection of Jesus Christ mark the beginning of a Christian life, not the end of it.

Gosh, this is such a good talk!!  The First Great Commandment
Go read it again, or for the first time.  It is so worth it!

So, just like he said, I have people to lift up, rides to give, ancestor names to find, temple sessions to attend, callings to magnify, scriptures to read, people to serve, dinners to make, prayers to say, people to hug, laughter to spread, motivation to give, light to show, and so on and so forth.  The more I pray for it, the more I find it, and the more Heavenly Father organizes my life to fit it all in.  It is awesome!!

And just as a disclaimer, I hope this post doesn't come across boastful.  That was not it's intent at all.  I am just happy and wanted to share.

Oh, and just because I think she is the cutest girl in the whole world, a few pics of my niece!

That hair is pure ROCKSTAR!! Love her so much!!!


  1. um, I have four girls of my own and I will say that she is DEFINITELY just about the cutest little girl. For reals. I love her too, I think. AND boast away!!! You know I've always thought you were a rockstar, and nothing warms my heart quite like hearing you admit it. I love it! I love it! Let's rip our abs now, k? 'kay.

  2. You definitely are a ROCKSTAR! :) Thanks for the happy post. I know Amy said boast away, ha, but I don't think you're boasting at all. Just self realizing and sharing it. Yay for recognizing the good in our lives!

    Your niece is super cute.
