Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I tried sushi today.

A flashback: One night when i was out with the missionaries, we were waiting on a investigator to get to the church. We ran into one of the counselors of the Stake Presidency. We got to talking about how he went on his mission to Japan. I am not sure how the topic moved on to sushi but there we were, talking about it. I told him i had never tried it (the raw fish kind). He was talking about how he loved it. He described the flavor to me. I decided i should venture out and try it sometime.

The present: Today was that day. I was in the Target produce dept today and came across some California rolls. They are rice rolled with seaweed "paper" and had imitation crab meat, avocado...and maybe something else i cant remember. i put some soy sauce on it and took the smallest, tiniest pinch of a taste of the wasabi on the side. (the wasabi totally rocked my world!!!...not in a good way. as i knew it would. i have had it before.) Then i discovered the raw fish slivers on the side as well. At first i dismissed them, but then i was like "whatever, i wanted to try it, let's do this!!!". so i took the smallest piece and put it in my mouth. Actually....it is pretty good. i was expecting an overwhelming fish taste like you can sometimes get with some cooked fish. None. I promise. It was a little salty and pretty good. It made a good combo with the soy sauce. Overall i give them a 9 (outta 10). They are good for you too. Bonus!!


  1. You know I have one thing to say:


    Remember when I got squirted with the juice from the lobster? Thanks, Toby.

  2. Well. I just started following your blog. Is that even allowed? Sushi, huh? You're making me hungry.
