Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I can't believe it's been over a month since i have blogged! sorry guys! i have been super busy. I check my email every now and then. and respond on occasion. but that is about the extent of my free time on the computer.

Some exciting news...i paid off all my credit cards!!! yeah, i did. its been like 4 years w/ that stupid credit card debt! so, yea for me. i kind of wanted to celebrate and buy myself something but decided against it, realizing that is part of the reason i had credit card debt in the first place. i feel like i have graduated into being an adult now. well, just a little bit. i can finally start saving money! i'm stoked! oh...and it was on my new year's resolution list to pay off my credit cards! i think i have checked off 3 things on that list so far for the year. usually i am really bad about new year's resolutions, but i am doing good so far. only like 6 more to go.


  1. wahoo! AND you're coming to see me. We'll celebrate for sure. Cuz I think something celebratorylike is happening this weekend. I'm not really sure what it is. But I think we'll find a reason to bake a big cake, and put like 26 candles on it or something. Wahoo!!!

  2. That's amazing!!! Congratulations. :) It must feel so good to not have that hanging over you and to be able to start saving! I can't wait until we pay off Jeff's student loans and the cars. I hate debt! (Notice I don't mention the house. That will take a while . . .)
