Monday, April 15, 2013

One Thing at a Time

Are you currently, or have you ever been a New Year's resolution maker?  I used to be huge into it.  I used to love making resolutions for the new year.  I would always get so excited about how I was going to improve my life in the next 12 months and how it would make me soooo awesome!  And then I discovered, as many do, they there is an expiration date on those resolutions and your resolve to accomplish them, and its only about a week or two.

I have come to be smarter about these goals.  I have learned to reduce the number of them, and make them more realistic.  I have also learned that I am not good at working on more than one big goal at a time.  I get too stressed out.  I don't really know if its that I am not good at compartmentalizing my life, or I just stress too much, or what.  But whatever the term for it is, I suck at it.

For instance, a friend the other day asked me why I had not yet completed a certain goal that I have.  It is a goal I have had for a while and when I think about it, it just stresses me out.  I know I need to work on it, but its not one of those 21 day things where I can just make it a habit and all will be well.  It is something that will probably take me about a year or more to accomplish and will include a lot of work and a lot of stress.  And also a lot of disappointment if I don't reach my goal.  I told him I am still thinking about it.  He tells me all the time that I could have accomplished it already if I had just started when I first had wanted to.  I know this.  And I am disappointed I didn't do it then, although looking back, I don't think it was the right time or situation.

But either way I have other big things going on in my life that I am working on and adding anything else to the mix will cause a lot of negative side effects.  Like stress.  Like over eating.  Like getting depressed about things.  Like quitting working out.  Like unnecessary crying.  Like shutting people out.  The list could go on.

But wow, I really sound like a freak! Are we still friends now that you know I do these things???  I know I can be crazy.  Bahhhh. But if it makes you feel better I try to hide the crying and over eating and depression and all that.  Okay, yeah, that doesn't help.  Well, anyways, I am who I am.  It's whatever.

All of this does not mean that I can't multi-task or have more than one thing going on.  I mean, I go to work everyday.  I have friends who I keep up with.  I work out 6 days a week.  I go to painting classes on occasion.  I paint in my spare time.  I work on the books I am writing.  I craft.  I grocery shop and do laundry.  I clean and do dishes.  So I mean, its not like I am totally useless.  I think I am just writing this to make myself feel better about not accomplishing, or working on (for that matter), the goal that my friend asked me about.

The real issue is if i have too many balls in the air, so to speak, at some point I will not only drop one, but I will get tired and drop them all at once.  And then I quit everything in life except for things like showering, sleeping, and dragging myself to work.

So in conclusion, I've decided that it is okay to be a one-goal-at-a-time gal.  I feel like as long as I am working on at least something in my life, then I am moving in the right direction.  Progress is progress, right?

This is what I tell myself anyways.


  1. You're not meant to run faster than you are able, after all. Sounds legit to me.

  2. Also, I think this post makes you sound completely normal. There are days when I try to do the laundry AND the dishes and braid the girls hair AND put them in cute outfits AND vacuum AND make a good lunch AND some days I get pretty close, and some days I barely even get the cute outfit on. So I get you on the balls in the air, and the stress, and the eating chocolate for lunch even though I make the girls eat something else. We can do this thing Al!! This thing called life, we'll figure it out someday.

  3. I don't love resolutions. This year is the first year I've tried it, and perhaps our nightly routine will help me reach it (you can ask me what it is sometime). But I do like goals, and I like to think that they help us move onward and upward even if it's not a direct line -- more like a zig-zag, but I always hope the overall direction will be up, despite the intermittent downs. Progress totally is progress -- as you said. Oh, and I still REALLY like you even after you admitted to not being perfect. =)
