Friday, July 26, 2013

Fourth of July

I spent the 4th with Alex and her boyfriend, Michael, and his family.  We all went over to his parents house where his sister (who lives there) and brother/sister-in-law (who live in Houston) were all hanging out.  I have met Michael's parents before.  And they love me (as they should, haha).  But it sort of felt like I was at Thanksgiving or Christmas at someone else's house (minus the presents or cold weather), and I was meeting my boyfriend's family for the first time.  Everyone there knew everyone and we all sat around a big table and ate food and they talked about people and things I didn't know about.  I mean, it was fine, and I joined in where I could, but I still felt a little awkward.

Either way, after eating and a few people taking naps (haha), we headed off to the Rangers baseball game.  We were close to the top, but we were in the shade and had a perfect view of the field and the fireworks.  It was a close and exciting game and the fireworks show was amazing.  Overall we had a good time and I am glad I went with them.

Happy Independence Day America!
 These cupcakes were delicious!! But seriously!

 Jason pointed out to me the other day that Michael looks like my friend Trevor.  I had never put it together before he said it, but they do have the same facial hair and hair color.  I can see it.  Although Michael is Cuban...and Trevor is definitely not.  Haha


  1. My exact first thought was, "Oh my, that guy looks like Trevor, with a great tan." Ha ha. I'm glad you had fun, and those cupcakes looks amAzing.

  2. Oh my goodness, it DOES look like Trevor.

  3. HA!! Love it. :)
    I feel that way every time I go over there. Like every meal is thanksgiving! Cubans. Gotta love em!

    Ps: I love you.

  4. Awesome! I got to go to a couple Diamondbacks games last week, and they definitely are fun!
