Monday, October 14, 2013


I dream just about every night.  Sometimes I only remember my dreams for a split second in the morning and then they are gone, never to be remembered again.  But sometimes I remember them later in the day and then the dream will usually stick with me, at least a little longer.  The other day was like that.

In my dream I had a super power.  I think I can safely say that most people have at some point or another wished or daydreamed about a super power they would want, and how they would use it.  I've thought about it before, but I don't think I've ever wished for the particular super power that I dreamt about the other night.

Here is all I can remember:

My super power was two-fold.  I could split myself into two, meaning I could basically clone myself and there would be another me standing next to me.  The other thing I could do was run really fast like Flash (once I was split). Only the clone of me could run really fast though.

Also in the dream I was a boy with short brown hair and I was wearing a black jacket.  I mean, I was me, I was just in boy form, or something like that.  You know how dreams can be weird like that.

So I am walking along the shoulder of the highway (who knows why), when for some reason I needed to split.  I don't remember why now I needed to, but I did.  So I split and my other self took off running back the way we came.  I yelled out to him (me) and told him to wait for me and not leave me stranded, but it was too late.

I started slowly walking on the highway again when all of a sudden I hear a screeching behind me.  I turned around to see my friend from Lafayette, Reina.  She had pulled over to the side of the road in her car and swung the passenger side door open.  She told me to get in.  I did.  She asked me what I was doing walking on the side of the highway.  I tried to explain that I had a super power and my other self had to go, but she didn't believe me.  I mean, really, who would?  But it really frustrated me that she wouldn't believe me when I was telling her the truth.

Then I woke up.

I haven't spoken to or seen Reina in years.  I don't know what made me dream about her.  Dreams are funny like that sometimes.  


  1. Love the randomness of dreams. Cloning and speed, not near the bottom of the list of awesome super hero powers.

  2. Dreams are so crazy. I often think that if I could just remember mine, I could write an awesome book, or at the very least a cool screenplay. But I can never remember them long enough. Ha. And I can't really write, so haha, that's just a dream!
