Monday, December 8, 2008

Ranch Explosion

This video is probably one of my favorite memories living in the Elizabeth Street house with Nicole. I am not really sure what i was thinking, but i am sure glad we got it on video.
Note: While viewing notice how quiet Nicole is until she gasps for air because she has been laughing so hard!


  1. YES! Yes, this is the best video ever taken by me. I am so glad I was apart of it. I mean, really, does it get any better? I will watch this religiously from now on.
    I needed this Al.

  2. Have I told you lately how happy it makes me to be one of your friends?

    Also, this reminded me (on a less messy scale) of when we had Ranch wheat thins for lunch. Not Ranch flavored wheat thins, but ranch dressing on wheat thins, sometimes in sandwich form. Delicious!
