Thursday, June 11, 2009


I have discovered this phenomenon in my life called 'flights of stairs that kill me'. I can run for a while and not even break a sweat, but after climbing 2 flights of stairs (less than a minute later) I am totally out of breath. what is that about? i also decided this is kind of embarrassing when other people are around. i just want to scream, "Yes, I am out of breath! I don't know! i don't get it! I can run a 5k! Stop starring at me!" Luckily i have more tact than that, but i really do hate it, so i was telling this unfortunate occurrence in my life to my good friend Sarah F. She suggested that we run up and down the stairs for a break from the normal running we do. we were on campus at the time and so she suggested we go to one of the parking garages and run up and down the stairs. then she thought it would be even better to run up the stairs and down the slope of the garage. i suggested that we could run up the slope too if we got bored. so today i ran my first "Parking Garage." it was rough. Indiana humidity doesn't help. you would think that running up the slope of the parking garage would be the hardest, but no. not for me. the stairs continued to kill me. i think i ran (i use the term "ran" loosly)the stairs 4 times, up the garage 4 times and down it 6 or 7 times. my body is already yelling at me. i am going to be in some serious pain tomorrow. good pain though. I will do it again. i need a little spice in my life, even though the people driving in their cars in the parking garage looked at us like we were crazy. who does that?

1 comment:

  1. I too have run garages. For crew we ran a loop that included all the garages on campus. Ouch. The only thing that kept me going was knowing that there was a run the whole way down once I got to the top. It's good for you though. Keep it up.
