Wednesday, March 16, 2011


I went to visit my cousin in Houston last weekend. It was super fun. We went to this super nice mall where we walked thru the store Saks 5th Ave. I just so happen to grab this cardigan that was see-through and clearly meant to accent an outfit. I glanced down at the price tag. I literally almost flipped out.


Yeah, you read that right. I couldn't believe it! An accent piece? Thin and see-through. What is going on in the world? And who can afford that?

We ate at a Spanish restaurant. It was muy deliciosos. I was surprised at how much i liked it. We also ate dessert at an Arabic pastry place. The dessert we ate was called Kunafa. It was delicious as well.

I spent my time with my cousin Patrick, his wife Keena, and
her sister Najla. Houston is so big!!

I really don't know who these last people are. It was just a good picture.


  1. So, is that a famous Houston landmark or something? Or is that the Saks Fifth Avenue entrance?

  2. This is just one of the many fountains in Houston. They have some pretty amazing ones. This was near the mall, but not the entrance.

  3. I kind of love Houston. Every time I've been through there I've thought it was a really pretty city.

    So... you seriously just took a picture of those random strangers? If that's so, awesome.

  4. yes, yes, i did. they were posing for someone else to take their pic, and i just snapped one of them. haha!
