Sunday, June 3, 2012

A story about a pair of green shoes

Its really just the very beginning of a story.  But it is going to be epic.  You just wait.

I bought these $120 shoes for just over $60.  Now, sixty dollars stills sounds like a lot for shoes, but half price? I couldn't pass them up! And they are the shoes that are going to carry me to my goals this year.  So that have to be good quality, right?

Before the year 2012 is up these shoes are going to carry me to run my first mile without stopping.  They will be with me thru 3 more 5ks.  If I am lucky and really work hard they might even carry me to run one of those 5ks the whole way.  Ambitious? Maybe, but I've got the potential.  I just have to push for it.  Annnnnnnnd these shoes are going to see me thru losing 50 total lbs before the year is up.  Its happening.  Those are chapter headings.  Now watch as these little green babies fly!



  1. Fly little green babies, fly!! I'm so excited to hear about your progress on this journey.

  2. There's nothing like a good green liner to see you through. I believe in you, Al.
