Tuesday, August 4, 2009


I really like to title my blog entries with one word. Sometimes it is hard to not repeat words and still make it an appropriate title.
So the end... Yes, it is the end of my days here in Indiana. My recent vacation spot has become my home, and home has become my vacation spot. go figure. I have been instructed, or threatened rather, that i am to blog often. very often. i am going to try my best.
I have 2 days of work left. i have liked my job the whole 3+ years i have worked here. ever since i have started looking for other jobs though, work has become a lot harder to enjoy. especially when i put in my 2 weeks notice. i am ready to be done. everything about work is tedious. things i never would have thought twice about before are huge annoyances now. why is that? i try not to show it too much. i am trying not to be one of those employees who stops working when they give their notice, but it is not easy.

1 comment:

  1. It was definitely a threat that you must blog often, with lots of pictures. Just do it.
