Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Why does everybody gotta be hatin' on my new job. i will be working in collections. yes. i will be that person that calls and tries to get you to make your house payment. i know that i am going to have bad days where i get called all sorts of terrible things. i know. i get it. i realize that most people wouldn't want that kind of job. i am not sure i want this kind of job. but...it is my life. it is my job and my decision. i am tired of people asking me what i will be doing and then following up by saying..."oh i would never do that job!" or "oh are you really going to like that job?" oh yeah. you are going to hate on my new job? i have worked in customer service for a long time and i have dealt with angry customers before. i can handle it. i job shadowed someone while i was there a few weeks ago and it wasn't bad at all. and i am sure it wont be my job forever. but i am getting to move where i want to, and getting paid a lot more. i will be able to pay off my debts in a relatively short amount of time. that is what i care the most about right now. if i hate it, i will look for a new job. life will go on. i guess i am not sure why everyone has got to suck all the fun out of my new life/move/job? dumb.
*when i say "everyone" i don't really mean everyone. just a lot of people.

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad you put that last bit in. I definitely have not "hated" on your job. I think if someone owes money, it shouldn't come as a surprise that someone else will call to collect it...

    You go girl.
