Thursday, November 12, 2009

Out Sick

I am out of work today...Sick! Mostly i just have a cold and have almost lost my voice. Since all i do at work is talk on the phone, it doesnt work out so well to go to work. i feel pretty good though. So i thought today i would take some time to get some things done that i dont usually get time for during the week.

I won a $150 gift card to Walmart at work the other day. I feel a shopping spree coming on. What to buy though.....Should i be responsible and buy much needed groceries and gas, or splurge and buy something fun? (that i shouldnt really have to feel guilty about since it is free money) a digital camera to replace my 4 1/2 year old one? Or buy some DVDs that i have been wanting for a long time? Or more work clothes to replace the ones with holes in them?

I am also teaching the RS lesson at church on Sunday. So today i need to dig through endless unopened boxes to try and find my JS manual to work on the lesson. I should also clean my room and call the credit card company.

Speaking of the credit card company. I have a credit card through Citi and they sent me a letter saying that as of Nov. 30, 2009 my interest rate is going from 13.99% to 29.99%!!!! not because i paid late, or didnt pay, just because they can. I can opt out but they will have to close my card. I am totally fine with that! i need to call and see if this letter is legit! it doesnt seem like they can really do that, but i dont know that for a fact. I might have this credit card paid off by then anyways, but i am not going to take my chances. You can bet if that is where all their credit cards are headed, they are going to lose not only my business, but a lot of business all over. So dumb.

I might go to the gym today too. Today is my day to use the leg weight machines. I have been using weights at the gym lately. I am always sore the next day, so i feel like that is good, right? I do cardio too, but i have been trying to focus on building muscle. It burns fat, or so i hear. I do arms one day, legs the next, abs the third day, and all cardio the last. 4 days a week. not bad. I do a little cardio on the days i lift weights too, but not too much.

Those are my plans for the day. Fascinating!! (i'm sure)


  1. Way to go, AL! (about the lifting weights, that is) Did you know that muscle burns more calories than fat too? So, the more muscle your body has the more calories it burns just sitting and watching t.v. Awesome. (than if it were just fat.)

    Have a little fun with your money! Unless you're really in need of groceries?

    That credit card thing does sound ridiculous!! I say

  2. From experience, don't close the account. Pay it off, and don't ever use it unless you can pay the balance off for good.

    Closing the account kills your debt/credit ratio, making your debt seem huger. I did that, and it killed my credit score. I seriously wish I'd have known about that before I'd closed my accounts.

  3. Although I have learned that sometimes calling them and threatening to close it can get them to do what you want... it's worked for me the one or two times I tried that...
