Saturday, April 16, 2011

What's been going on

So I feel like everyone has been asking me lately how I am. "What is going on?" "How are things?" All in reference to the bf. And all for good reason, no doubt. But I would just like to let everyone know that things are fine. We are good. Things are moving right along like any relationship does. And I am happy. :)

In other news, I feel like I have had about a million and a half things rolling around in my head that I am trying to sort out. Work through. Find time for. Finish. Get started on. Etc. (see below)

I am:
Running another 5K this coming Saturday (get excited Ames)
I have been writing more of my book/story
I just got my hair highlighted and cut (see pics below)
I am planning a party, and trying to save money by making a lot of the stuff for it myself (i.e. invitations, gift, figuring out the photography situation)
Looking for new apartments (my lease is up in July)
Trying to cut costs/expenses in my life (cheaper apt, cheaper gym membership, cutting food costs, paying off my car sooner (to save in the long run), trying to spend less money on gas)
Looking for a new job (hate everything about everything when it comes to this subject...moving on)

In completely other random news I would like to pass on some funny things that the bf says to me sometimes. The kid really does crack me up sometimes. But maybe its only funny to me...I don't know.

First of all...

He has decided I am pretty much half me and half him.

Translation of what that means...

He calls me half African all the time. He says this because I am willing to try the food that he eats from Africa. And I like it. I am willing to eat with my hands, like Africans do. AND I come from Indiana. Which he has decided is like a village. Yes. He calls Indiana "the village." He has never been to IN. And he only knows what I tell him, but somehow I have managed to make IN come across like it is a desolate, third world, farm country. I didn't mean for it to sound like that. I think maybe its just more me, than IN that he sees that way. Maybe because I come from a smaller city. I enjoy simply things. I love to make things instead of buying them. I know how to sew, and cook, and have made clothes for myself. I offer to patch up his ripped uniforms. I rarely let him spend money on me. etc. It cracks me up when he calls it the village, though. I keep telling him I will take him there someday and he can see for himself. I really blew his mind one day when I told him about Amish people and how you can find them in IN. haha. He likes to ask me silly questions like "do they have highways in IN that have 5 lanes or only 2?" or when I was driving on a gravel driveway today "Are all the roads like this in IN?" or "Are there very many black people in IN?" haha. silly man. I just laugh at him. Oh, and since I am half African, that means, I am half black too. Not like I am mixed, but half of me is white and half of me is black. go figure. haha.

One time I said something like..."well, I am African, right?" And he was like... "Half. You are only half." He just shook his head at the thought of me being all the way African. haha. It is super cute when he says "half" because he doesn't pronounce "H's" when they are at the beginning of words. Kind of like in spanish. So "half" is "alf". "House" is "ouse". "Hands" is "ands". "Happy" is "appy". "Hips" is "ips". (that one was my personal fav)

The other reason he says I am half him is because he has recently decided I am also half (or "alf") Muslim. This, I dont really know why. I mean, the Muslim and Mormon faiths are pretty similar, I have come to find out. Which is nice in a lot of ways. But he just decided that I was half muslim as of yesterday. I just laugh.

So I guess, I am half White-American-Mormon and alf Black-African-Muslim.

Amy requested pics of my new hair. The first pic was taken before, and is just a really good pic of me. The rest are post-highlights/cut.

Can you even tell? The Man about freaked out on the phone when I told him I colored and cut my hair. His exact words where "but it was so beautiful." I explained that it is more blonde now and only has about an inch or two gone. He then said "oh, maybe it is more beautiful now." :) love him.


  1. The hair looks awesome. IN *is* a little desolate, lol. very FLAT. And nice, I really liked visiting y'all.

    He sounds awesome. I'm totally excited for you! And I LOVE your blog pic. Woman, you are beautiful!


    Thanks for the pics!!! You really do look good in that first picture too, props to you on that one.

    He does sound funny, I hope I get to meet him someday.

    So super stoked for Saturday. Let's get this thing goin! I am really not going to be sick this time. Really.
