Sunday, April 24, 2011

Easter Sunday

So today I went with Alex to her mom's house for Easter. Her mom wanted us to go to church with her so we got up at the crack of dawn (or so it felt like) and drove the hour and a half to get to her mom (and stepdad's) house. They live in the middle of nowhere. Really NOWHERE! So we immediately leave for church. The church was in the middle of nowhere too. It was a Baptist church.

Sidebar: I'm a little tainted when it comes to baptist churches. I have been ruined. I have a fear walking into any baptist church that they will find out I am Mormon and immediately attack me. Probably irrational, but it has really happened before...more times than I want to think about.

Anyways, we go and I have to say, that I totally fell in love with these people. You know when you think of Texas you think of people in cowboy boots, boot cut jeans with suspenders, riding a horse? Well that isn't really Texas. I mean, yes there are people like that, but I live in a huge metroplex with almost 5 million people. So we/they look like anyone else. But the people at this church were every stereotype that you can think of for Texas. When the first person got up to announce what song we would be singing first, I really had to lean over to Alex and ask if he was speaking English. I couldn't understand a word he was saying because his accent was so thick. Seriously. He was wearing "Levi's" not jeans. That isn't what you call them in the back woods of Texas. Cowboy boots. Suspenders. And talked about Jesus like He was his best friend. It was a simple message of how Jesus had risen and could help us sinners make it to Heaven because he died and rose again. Everyone was so friendly and came up and shook our hands and were so welcoming. People shouted Amen! and Praise Jesus! during the message. It made my heart happy to see good people worshipping our Heavenly Father in the best way that they were taught. They were happy people who love Jesus, and would bring him up in random conversations. Love it!

Maybe its because I grew up Methodist but it arises something nostalgic in me when I go to Protestant churches every now and then. The message is always simple. The people openly love God and Jesus and they try their best to be good people. Not to say that LDS people don't do this too. Maybe it is just me. Maybe I just get too stressed. I worry too much. I over think. But I feel like I have so many things to worry about being LDS. Am I worthy to take the sacrament? Have I been to the temple often enough? Am I keeping the word of wisdom correct? Am I working hard enough on my calling? Have I done my VT? Am I up to date on my tithing? Have I read my scriptures often enough? Are my prayers sincere enough? Are they too repetitive?

Does anyone else stress out this much? Is that how it is supposed to be? I honestly don't know. But sometimes I do miss the simpleness I felt when I was Methodist. Does that make me a bad person?? (There I go again, worrying...)

Do not get me wrong, I 1000% believe in the LDS faith. I know it is right. And I know I can be/ and have been happy living the way I know I should. I guess maybe I just worry I don't do enough. I am not doing it right, or something.


It was a good Sunday, though. I ate way too much delicious Easter food.

I hope everyone had an excellent Easter!


  1. I'm glad you were able to have a good experience at a Baptist church, maybe it will help "untaint" you a little.

    You are definitely not alone in worrying about whether or not you are doing enough. But you are also right in that we should only worry enough to motivate ourselves to be better. If the worry just makes you depressed, let it go.

    Just let it go man. Love you!

  2. Al, I absolutely LOVE you; you are amazing, and wonderful, and I love reading your blog.

    Growing up LDS, I think there's too much worry. If I could take back all the times I spent worrying and feeling guilty about...well, NOTHING, really, well, I'd have been a LOT happier, lol.

    I'm a firm believer in the scripture that says there's a season for every purpose.

    I have come to understand that for me, if I'm not doing everything I "should" be doing, but I'm not going out of my way to NOT do it, then I'm alright.

    I'm with Ames, just let it go, man. Enjoy your life, you're doing AWESOME!!!!

    Love you!

  3. Miss you. It was fun to catch up on your blog, there were quite a few new posts I hadn't seen. Keep em coming.

    I can see you half African I guess.
