Saturday, November 10, 2012


I have been pretty busy lately.  I guess the end of the year does that to a most people, but this month in particular has already been nuts.  To recap:

-I began writing a new book that I started and am trying to complete before the month is up.  There is this challenge online here if you want to check it out. I am already so behind, but I didnt know about it until the 5th and didnt start until the 6th.  I am trying to catch up this weekend.  Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!

-I have starting making a head board like this one. Mine will look a tiny bit different, but I have already started and it is taking forever.

-I wrote a letter of recommendation for a friend (as a character witness) so she can get funding to open a new restaurant.  Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuunn!

-I am beginning P90X on monday which is going to take an additional 1.5 hours out of my day.

-I have been working about 4-8 hours of overtime a week.  Every week.

-I have been crafting.

Christmas Cards.  Get excited.  You might just get one. (if i have your address lol)

 This is just a rope to hang stuff i am working or just hang stuff for decoration. :)

Bottle caps made into magnets.
 Magnets Amy taught me how to make! yay! Isn't that owl in the center so cute?!

 I am learning to cover buttons.  It's hard work.  Just saying...haha.  Learning for the headboard.
 This.  Well, you are probably asking yourself what the heck this is.  I made static clings (like you would hang on a window of your car, or like the cute little plastic snowflakes you might stick to your windows in the winter. Well these are impressions of leaves made with mod podge.  I colored the mod podge with food coloring first, painted the leaves, and then peeled off the mod podge when it was dry.  if you have really nice leaves it leaves the impression of the veins and all that.  My leaves were all round, and i did it on the wrong side of the leaf (less veiny side). So they didnt turn out great.  But I'll try again soon.  I stuck them to the outside of a vase.  its a work in progress.  Don't judge. hahah Here is the tutorial i found on how to do it. Her's look soooooooo much better. lol

November is already making me tired.


  1. You can be tired in December. Write! Write! Write! Ok, I'm totally just kidding. I fell asleep at eight o'clock on Thursday night while Devin was reading to the girls, and I didn't wake up until the next morning. Totally.

  2. I am super impressed by all of your crafts. And you make really cute cards! I like how you let your crafts be decoration too with the cute rope across the window idea. Those bottle cap magnets are really, really cute. And I have no doubt that you will figure out the leaf mod podge thing.
