Thursday, October 1, 2009

the job

so my job is one of those jobs you dont want to do forever. it is a means to an end. i have gotten into it and learned the ropes and gotten better at it. my whole job is to get people to pay me (or their mortgage). We call those Promise to Pay's, or a Promise. on a good day i may get like 18 out of 350 calls. that is decent. at the end of the month getting anything above 30 is pretty awesome. more people call in to make payments at the end of the month so they dont receive a credit hit for being more than 30 days late. so yesterday i didnt have a good day, i didnt have a great day totally rocked. i got 64!!! that may be the highest anyone has ever gotten. i have heard people brag about this one guy who once got 52. i totally blasted thru his # and set a new record. am i bragging a little? :) okay so i am. but so what. on top of that i got promoted yesterday. not because of my 64 yesterday but because i have been doing well all month. so i move up to what they call "30s". i will now be dealing with people who are 30-59 days behind on their mortgage. normally this move doesnt come with a raise, but they offered me a new schedule to go with my promotion. it is kind of the shift that no one wants so they offer a raise with it. i took it. i am trying to pay off debt and buy a new car. i will take their crappy shift and their money! so now i will be working 1pm-11pm M-Th and half a day on Friday. no weekends. i didnt think it was so bad. i wont get home til midnight, but no weekends?! and a raise?! so the best part is i got a 10% raise to go with it. are you kidding me!!!!???! 10%! all the sudden i feel really good about this job and being yelled at everyday!


  1. That's great you don't have to work on weekends, and the late shift won't be so bad once you move closer. I'm so excited for your raise!

    You work hard and deserve it, Al.

  2. Congrats!

    I work somewhat the same shift, only Tuesday through Saturday. I WISH they realized what a crap shift it is and paid more for it, I wouldn't complain!

  3. Sweet! I am glad you get paid more for it. I was wondering what you were doing up so late posting on your blog, but now I totally understand. :)

    One of my roommates in college worked a 6:00 pm to 6:00 am shift three times a week. Now that is a "crap shift." Your sleep cycle gets totally messed up.

    Oh yes, and congratulations on being absolutely amazing! :)
