Thursday, October 1, 2009

San Antonio

I went to San Antonio last weekend. had a blast. i picked up Reina and we headed south. We met up with my brother and his girlfriend Erica. SA is a pretty cool place. there is a lot to do and tourists all over. We hung out on the Riverwalk and investigated some of the shops.

Reina and i saw a club that we thought we might want to hit up. as we investigated a little closer we decided it was not our kind of place (that is all i will say about that). I busted out my dancing skills one night with Erica since Reina wouldn't dance with me. she got it on video... uhhh. not sure i am okay with that.

We saw the Alamo. it was pretty cool. they are super strict about what you can do when you are there. you cant take pictures inside. you cant touch anything, including the walls. you cant have your phone on. the "guards" had whistles and would blow them as loud as possible if you were doing something wrong. i may have lost some hearing in one ear. (not from me doing anything wrong) i was a little turned off by their prowling guards ready to take you out in a second.

Reina and i went shopping. i bought a cowboy hat!!! that's right. i look good too! :) We ate at the Rainforest Cafe and this amazing place called "Mi Tierra". it is totally decked out with fancy decorations and they have a bakery that is to die for.

Pictures to follow...


  1. I can't wait to see pictures! I've missed you... Devin's had my cell phone at work all week to make long distance calls, and I keep forgetting that I can email you... so an email to follow?!

    I LOVE YOU!!

  2. Wow. That's really interesting how strict they are at the Alamo. I guess that's good though . . .

    So, where are those pictures you promised?

    I bet you had some awesome dance moves. I've seen you get down! ;)
