Friday, October 23, 2009


Do you ever have those moments in life where you figure something out about yourself? I have had a couple of those moments while in Texas. I think it is because i spend a lot of my time alone in my car and doing a very repetitive job. It allows me much time to think. (and i do a lot of thinking despite my previous reputation for never thinking!! lol) I find that most of the time these moments happen to me when someone else brings it up or calls it to my attention that i am a certain way. i usually deny it, but think about it often. I then tend to find that i am exactly what they said i was and was just denying it. It is really weird when you realize other people know you better than you know yourself. I mean, i have been with myself for 25 years now. i should know me pretty well. i have had many of these moments throughout my life. some have been really good and have allowed me to grow and be a more well rounded person. other discoveries i have made have not been so good. those times end with me crying a lot and then reminding myself that i can be who i wanna be. just because i am one way today doesn't mean i have to be that way tomorrow. a lesson i learned while in Maine! (thanks nicole and amy)


  1. oh al. you're so cool. i'm reminded of our maine music video "break away." just remember that and do it.

  2. I love it Al!! "If I'm not talking, I'm not thinking." I knew that couldn't be completely true!! (cuz, hey, we all do have those moments where we really aren't thinking... at least I hope that's not just me) how great that you take that time given you every day to ponder and reflect.

    You can be whoever you want to be, and you're going to be the BEST.

  3. I do love how we can be whomever we want to be. Man. I just need to remember that more often. Sometimes I'm too lazy to be who I want to be. Sad.
