Saturday, September 11, 2010

So many new things

I feel like I have so many new things in my life right now. First lets talk about the picture at the top of my blog. i love the picture...but blown up like that, might be a bit much. what do ya think??

Second, I have a new computer. and love it. I just signed up for internet today and it gets installed on 09/15. who's up for some Skype?? i'm super stoked so see my peeps in real life again. okay...not really real life. but closer...
In addition, i am still learning things on this mac. still a little lost, but once i do figure them out...i'm always like "ooooooohhhh, i get it. totally makes sense. love it"

Third, i finally finished my shower curtain. it looks sooooooooo good. promise. Thanks again Amy and Nicole for the awesome bathroom scheme and fabric. it looks so put together.


  1. woo hoo! I'll get to see that pretty mug (ahem, face -- I've been hanging around Nick too much I guess) on my computer screen in live action! You can call all the time any time.

    Excellent curtain, when you're tired of it in the bath room it becomes a fancy quilt too! You're so versatile, al.

  2. Lookin' Good in the Bathroom, and on the blog Al. AND SOON on my computer screen too, in real time live action Al. Be prepared, sometimes we're a little wild over here, I've been known to change a few diapers mid-Skype, so be warned.

    Can't wait!!
