Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Christmas Projects 2011

This one was for Alex. Her favorite hymn is 'Near My God to Thee'. The letters on the frame are hand painted. I learned on Pinterest how to do it. It still takes a lot of time and its not perfect. But she liked it (she cried! yes!!!). I dyed the paper with coffee so that it would look old (yellow/brown, and wrinkled). I briefly thought it might be a little sacrilegious to dip a church hymn in coffee (it was just printed from the internet), but i didnt drink the coffee and i got the coffee from work. it was old by then. so i wasnt too concerned. :)

This one was for my mom. Got the idea from Pinterest. You have probably seen it. She is a teacher so i thought it would be fun to put up at school.

This one was for my dad. He works at two different wineries. I bought the corks online. I had to cut the corks and it took soooooo long. I tore up my hands on many occasions trying to cut those corks. So i would quit for a fews days/weeks and let my hands take a break, then resume. It is glued to the back of a shadow box.


  1. Al! You're so dang crafty! I love them ALL... and I would just like to say I've seen several crayon meltings and I'm pretty sure yours is the best... I love the swirliness for sure :D
