Saturday, May 26, 2012

2 months

is my breaking point.  It seems i can keep up with things that are hard for me for a solid 2 months.  And then i am over it, ready to be done.  i quit.

I am not sure why that is the magic number.  But it is and i DO NOT like it!

So i decided in January after a mild but semi scary low blood sugar episode that it was time I did something about my health.  Not that i am in bad health, just not great.  I am borderline diabetic because i don't take care of myself and i could see the road i was on, and it was not good!

So i joined Weight Watchers in january.  I did really good the first 2 months.  and then i tried to quit.  because that is what i do.  I guess i just got tired of tracking what i ate, and planning meals, and eating things that were less fun to eat.  Buuuut alas, i decided not to quit at the last second.  I got back on track and lost more weight.  and come Wedding/Vacation time i had lost 25lbs in 4 months.  Not bad.  Not amazing or anything.  Nothing Biggest Loser style or anything, but nevertheless, i was proud.  But now i have hit my two month mark again, and i want to give up.  I eat horrible things.  I dont work out, and i dont care.  And i hate being this person.  Only this time, i dont have a friend doing WW with me to help me to not quit (because she quit.  lol) I also dont have the wedding or bridesmaids dresses to motivate me anymore.  and i just want to quiiiiit!  5k's are not really an option that i want to explore at the moment because it is already blazing hot outside at 7am.  Seriously.  We are almost in the 100s everyday and it is not even june! blah!

So what i really need is some motivation.  What motivates you to work out when your couch is oh-so-comfy?

or you can just move to texas and make me work out with you.  that could work too!  take your pick. :)


  1. let me present you with a third option: move to Nebraska, and I'll work out with you. Wahoo!

    I think a lot of people have a breaking point, don't let little failures stop you from starting again! You can quit every single day if you want to, as long as you get up the next morning and recommit!!


    I used to do that all the time, I'd get so down on myself for quitting that I would forget that I could restart at any time. Don't fall for that.

  2. My motivation is this... I 1. bought a foxy pair of capris that are one size too small so it's my goal to be in them by a certain day... 2. I've taped pictures of cute outfits on our fridge door to help me think "am I really hungry or not?" when I go to the fridge to snack without thinking about it :D Keep it up! 25 lbs is uh-may-zing!

  3. Well, I want to be able to do Parkour. Since I am a weakling currently, I need to make some muscle. So, I watch coll videos of people jumping over walls, and then I go play around outside. So, how do I motivate myself? I watch Parkour.
