Monday, May 21, 2012

Its my birthday!

And on my birthdays I tend to be somewhat reflective.  I was at work today, thinking and the thought occurred to me that if i could go back to my 16 year old self and tell her where my life is at right now she would never believe me.  So I thought about what I would say to her anyways.

I would tell her that she will learn some pretty great stuff in the next 12 years.  And that she will go through some pretty amazing things, both good and bad.
I would tell her that:
-your dad will get sick, but he'll be okay
-you take an amazing journey to Asia and have a blast
-boys will like you
-believe it or not, you will have choices when it comes to them
-and that 3 of them will tell you that they want to marry you before you even find the right one
-your heart will get broken deeper than you will think is possible to recover from, but you WILL recover, and you will be grateful he wasn't the one
-and you will break some hearts too
-you will develop talents that others will recognize as pretty amazing
-you will become independent
-you will feel loved by your Heavenly Father in a way that you don't currently know
-you will learn of the Atonement in a much deeper way and learn to apply it to your life
-you will have friends who will love you through everything
-you will lose friends, some by your choosing and some not
-your situation is not hopeless
-you will discover over and over again that the beginning steps are always the most difficult and it will always get better
-you will move a ridiculous amount of times
-you will make more money than you thought you would
-you will make a ton of mistakes, but you will forgive yourself
-you will become friends with your brother and realize he loves you very much
-you will learn to see yourself as beautiful in a very real way
-you will discover you can do ANYTHING with discipline and work
-you will decide you are worth it.  worth all the things you don't think you are currently worth
-you will have a TON of fun!
-you will be happy.  Real happiness.

I would tell her to get excited! And that is will be hard and scary, and exhausting, but she will make it and love who she is someday.  And it will all happen in a short 12 years.

Let the journey continue...

What would you tell your 16 year old self today?


  1. Happy birthday, Al! I love you!

  2. Happy Birthday AL SHAD! I miss you, but glad we can at least stay in touch through the blogging sphere.
    I love this post. I love your boldness. I love your faith. I love you.

  3. I would tell her to tell you that Texas is too far away, and brainwash you then to think Nebraska is soo cool. Selfish? Yes. But I was only 16, so...
