Sunday, March 3, 2013

Silly silly

Sometimes you just need to appreciate some silliness.

Here are some classics! haha

We forgot there were multiple pictures being taken.  The second frame we were not expecting, and the third frame is our reaction.  haha

Volleyball night will Lori!

One of my favorite pics of me and my Rose girls.  lol

 When my Mama came to visit

 Channelling my inner "Nicole squirrel face"

Me and the Dew-ster aka Dewey

This is just so awkward.  But it makes me laugh every time without fail.

 These next two are by far my absolute favorite morning pictures of myself.  Someday when I get serious with a guy and he thinks he wants to marry me, I will show him these.  Just so he knows what he is getting himself into.  It's really just polite to let him know in advance.
I mean...check out those classic peacock-like strands sticking up in the front.  haha. clearly I am not a morning person. 

 Me and The Debs aka Debby

I love Bre's face here.  classic!

Bre and I made a music video to the song "grillz" by Nelly.  This is a still frame of the beginning.  And, No, you cannot see the actual video.  It is sooooo embarrassing!

 Goodwill shopping.  I wanted to buy this so bad.

 Pre 5k.  And soooo early.  blah!

Pride Parade 2012.  It was rainy and gross outside, but we had fun!


  1. I Love your morning faces. Also, of course I love the ones with you and my girls.

  2. "Someday when I get serious with a guy and he thinks he wants to marry me, I will show him these. Just so he knows what he is getting himself into. It's really just polite to let him know in advance." You are so funny. :)
