Tuesday, March 24, 2009

hate/hate relationship

The treadmill and i are not friends. Running is getting harder and harder. I have been told it will be that way until i can push through that wall of pain and death. Then it will be easier. it seriously kills me everytime i start running. i wish i could be a runner. It would be great to be able to go out and run for awhile a few days a week and feel like i got a good workout and not be sore for 2 days afterwards! hopefully i will get there. i am not giving up yet.


  1. Don't give up Don't give up Don't give up! You can do it AL!!!! Are your shins still hurting you though? If so, STOP!!! :)

  2. No, my shins dont still hurt...well on occasion they still do, but generally, no. i just get really tired really quickly. it is so frustrating!
