Tuesday, March 30, 2010

New Mexico, Part I: Al vs. The Mountain

Winner: The mountain.

So I went skiing for the first time ever last week. We went over to New Mexico to a little ski resort call Sipipu (pronounced "Sip-A-Poo" yep, that's right) in Carson National Forest. It was beautiful. I love mountains. Love, love, love them. I took a lesson my first day and was doing pretty good. The slope we were on could barely be called a slope, but i was learning how to slow down by moving left to right, etc. So i went up a little later onto the smallest of all the hills. A green trail, the bunny slope. I went up with Debby and Tom (people i live with). I fell twice and then on my third try (about halfway down at this point) i fell again and twisted my ankle and knee pretty bad. I tried to walk down the mountain a few minutes later, but after some talking into they conveinced me to sit while first aid came and looked at me. So...up comes the first aid guy. He decided i might hurt myself worse if i fell while walking down the mountain so he went to go get the stretcher. oh no... By the way, i just so happen to be sitting close to the chair lift and everyone that passed was like "oh no, are you okay?" or "do you need some help?" which was nice, but embarrassing. So Michael (i think his name was) came back with the stretcher on skies. He strapped me in and down we went. Then he got me crutches and i hobbled my way over to his little first aid hut. He decided it was probably just a strain on both my knee and ankle. I couldnt ski the rest of the trip, but i watched other people ski, i slept, and read a book. I still had fun. I think i will try skiing again. but not anytime soon. :)

Hey i was up there for a second.
Rockin the PU!
This was my second fall. The third one is the one that did me in...


  1. The sled looks fun! If I ever go skiing I'll try this out too. =)

  2. It's really too bad you didn't get a chance to try the pond skimming. You would have ROCKED it.
