Thursday, March 18, 2010

First Video

Remember in a previous blog when I said that my life is boring and it would be silly to put my boring life on video and expect other people to watch it...well here you go. The first video documenting my life in Texas. My room!!!! How exciting...I know. I really don't like this video. I think I am acting really weird...but i got nothing better. so have at it.

p.s. Don't judge too harshly on the messy state of my room. Everything I own is in that room. One whole apartment's worth, all boxed up.


  1. I MISS YOU! You are too cute with that haircut and supertan! Moooore videos, please.

  2. i always like knowing what people's places look like if i haven't been there before, if that came out right. then when i'm talking with them on the phone or something i have an accurate picture, so thank you al. thank you.

    although, i think most times we talk you're in the car...

  3. i guess i will have to take a video of the inside of my car. lol
